Well, here we are again

Another Monday. How quickly the weekends go by… it also happens to be Guy Fawkes Night, an event many Americans are aware of largely due to the film V for Vendetta, I would venture to guess. I found it a bit heavy handed, if I recall correctly, but it had its moments.

Today’s musical wheel of fortune reveals:

U2In God’s Country [Joshua Tree (1987)]

While I can’t get you a streaming snippet of this one, YouTube can provide for us.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3GAfFIRjzY&rel=1]

How young they look! Bono’s arm is in a sling because on a rainy night earlier in the tour he fell off the stage and dislocated it, so says Wikipedia. It’s a fine track, very characteristic, all jangling guitars and biblical references (“I stand with the sons of Cain”). As I recall, The Joshua Tree tour came to B-ton in the fall of that year, and I wasn’t allowed to go, not that I made a big thing about it (actually I wonder if I even really asked or just fatalistically assumed) — and I was quite a little squirt at the time as well, only just in middle school. I probably wouldn’t have let me go either. Wouldn’t that have been something. To relieve my feelings a year or so later I got a tour like t-shirt which I wish I still had. At least I still have the album – and what a range it has, to appeal to the ear of a callow 12 year old and then, twenty years later it’s quite possibly better. I might have to buy the koolaid and the remastered version, and I could do with seeing Rattle and Hum again.

Must run to work.

See you tomorrow, same Bat channel …