update on the fish

well, i gave the fish a try last night. sadly, though i had the bamboo shoots ready, i forgot to toss them in. bummer. however, i did add some green beans, some lovely fresh crunchy long ones, along with a shallot (in addition to the scallions) and that was inspired. in lieu of the chile flakes i added some hot chili oil at the beginning with the lime oil, and a just a dash (really, not much at all) more olive oil a little later just to make sure there was enough to cook everything. also, my cilantro isn’t so healthy (tear … tear…)so there was no coarsely chopped added during; instead, i sprinkled the final result with some coarsely chopped flat-leaf and italian(?) parsley, cause there was a lot of that. worked out OK, but still want to try it with the cilantro.

i think i need to get some of the green hot peppers they use in Thai cooking and add those also, and it just might be perfect. mmmm.

Dickson was my intrepid taste tester, so thanks DK, and if you can send me those photos you took with your phone I’ll add them here.