Tis the Season
One month til Christmas, folks. Hard to believe, really … But, anyway, as far as I am concerned, the Christmas season begins the day after Thanksgiving, or a month before, whichever suits. You might ask, what does that mean for cg?
- Christmas music can officially be played. (Yes, Peter, finally, I have begun)
- Any Christmas decorations are fair game.
- The yearly decision about Christmas cards must be made.
- Vast increase in dietary intake of Christmas themed movies.
- Wrap all the presents currently bought.
Where does that leave me today … Christmas music is playing. I am thinking about decorating tonight, although I should probably make a definitive packing list for my trip to Ireland instead … which may result in no Christmas cards again this year. We’ll see. It would be a good project for the plane except for all the boxes … I just discovered I do not have Holiday Inn! And I am horrified. [but I did add it to my Amazon wish list; this is the most subtle way I could have possibly introduced that topic, don’t you agree?]; maybe I will watch Elf instead – it’s that or It’s a Wonderful Life, but the latter reduces me to a pathetic, snotty mess every time, and if I am going to try and wrap that won’t work. I have specific plans for all presents but one, and I have all of them sitting right here (with the exception of two, plus several gift cards for extended family). [It could be sickening, but wouldn’t you prefer to be pleasantly shocked and amazed? Or maybe it isn’t that unusual.]
So, tonight I guess it’s between decorate and wrap. It’s still fairly early so I suppose doing both isn’t impossible, but it sure as heck is unlikely. I guess we’ll have to see.
I was supposed to do a random five of thankfulness today, wasn’t I? I’ll do them rapid fire:
- White Christmases, or songs about them.
- Target has a grocery area now. So handy.
- Parking spaces right in front of my house.
- The cafeteria at IKEA.
- Long distance telephone service. Actually, telephone service in general. Someone wants to talk to me, and a ringing sound happens, and then I can talk to them. It’s pretty freaking amazing. Which means 5a) has to be Caller ID. For the people I don’t want to talk to (telemarketers?). Also pretty freaking amazing.