Time flies...
Being that it’s nearly December, you might expect – given the title of this post – a thoughtful rumination on another year, slowly marching to a close; perhaps, since it’s Monday, a newsy blurb about a busy day at work or some developments at the office; I might have finally decided to write more about the reunion I lately attended; or it could be a story about a chance encounter with someone from my past. Nope. Those would all be interesting, but here’s why this post is titled ‘Time flies’:
I got my membership invitation (and personalized member card) from the AARP today in the mail. I guess my students have been telling me the truth for the last couple of years: I am really well preserved for 50. It’s like I’m 18 years younger than that, or something. Maybe they just really plan ahead. Either way, I feel like checking my retirement accounts.
I wonder which of my junk mail identities has an error in the year of birth.