MeMeMe Hello? Yeah, sorry. Phoning this one in. Note to self (and all readers): don’t wait to post until right before you go to bed, cg. At least on days where you spend a full working day’s worth of hours in a car… not unpleasant, but not exactly the perfect
MeMeMe This is a post I get a couple technicalities, I figure. As it happens my desk is so buried in articles (you guessed it, TDB) that I covered up my wallet with them and didn’t notice until I was an hour into the suburbs, ordering a beer. Cue sad trombone. The good news
MeMeMe Books and such This afternoon we had a brown bag lunch to talk about our favorite books. I know, I know, librarians talking about reading. Whatever. Anyway, a group of people got together and collected a list of people’s favorite books, then did an exhibit on it in the first floor lobby,
MeMeMe Lazy lazy lazy I have come to the conclusion that I am inherently lazy when it comes to physical activity. In July of 2008 I started working with a personal trainer, the idea being, I’ll feel better (desk job, too much sitting, blergh) and also if I pay for something, it means
MeMeMe Short attention spa... I’m sure we’ve all read some news item (probably brief! ha!) about how twitter and multitasking and email and social networking is eroding our attention spans, as well as quite possibly our ability to think. I’d say something about that but I forget what I was talking
MeMeMe NaBloPoMo, or, once more into the fray So. November, we meet again. I didn’t actually realize I’d abandoned this blog for so long – May 2008! Wowza. Things are a bit different now. I’m not going to be tiresome and try and rehash it all, so let me say this: I’ve been thinking about
MeMeMe the ugly duckling the ugly duckling Originally uploaded by crgreene I really should have posted the shot I took with a duck in it, to give size perspective on the swan here. He’s huge compared to the other birds. I love the story of the Ugly Duckling – who hasn’t identified with
MeMeMe Quagmire It’s not just a great Scrabble word anymore … According to the Oxford dictionary (the version on my Mac anyway), a quagmire is: 1) a soft, boggy area of land that gives way underfoot; 2) an awkward, complex or hazardous situation. These both sound an awful lot like committee work
MeMeMe Search and ye shall find... I’m taking a page from thefiftyfootblogger and sharing with you some recent searches that led folks to my blog … * tig coili (2, one from Galway, one from Dublin … not surprising; if it was my bartender buddy Jason, please holla back, I’d like to know how your trip to
MeMeMe 99 bottles of beer on the wall Sort of like (not) going to the gym, I have been feeling like so much time has passed since my last post here that I’m frozen and need something of Great Moment to report. The gym parallel to this, to expand- it’s been a while, and I feel
MeMeMe P.S. Two new things for 2007, which I am still feeling pretty jazzed about in 2008, are: * Scrabulous, via Facebook. I’m convinced this is improving the functioning of my brain (or maybe resulting in neutrality as it combats the brain-rot Facebook wreaks, though I love it still), and if not,
MeMeMe 2007: My Year in Review Happy New Year, folks. I went on a sort of internet detox the last couple of weeks of December … if you can believe it, I just wasn’t in the mood for checking email, blogging, etc. It occurred to me after a few days of such that perhaps it was
MeMeMe Good-time, party-time weather? New Years Eve, Chicago Style Originally uploaded by crgreene No, I don’t think so either. So I have opted to stay in and watch all three LOTR flicks (extended editions) as my NYE07. I am well supplied with starch, chocolate, and wine. I think I will be OK. 🙂 More
MeMeMe Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Well, folks, it’s an historic evening here in the cg household. No, not because I’m at home on a Saturday night; no, I didn’t cook anything special; and, unfortunately I didn’t win buckets of money or wake up to discover that eight pounds had magically melted
MeMeMe A Country Lane A Country Lane Originally uploaded by crgreene What with all the snow and ice we are getting in the Midwest this week, I thought I bit o’ green might not be out of order. I’ll try and post more later on about the weekend …
MeMeMe Home again, home again, jiggity jig And [Samwise Gamgee] went on, and there was yellow light, and fire within; and the evening meal was ready, and he was expected. And Rose drew him in, and set him in his chair, and put little Elanor on his lap. He drew a deep breath. ‘Well, I’m back,
MeMeMe Words to the wise A few lessons learned on this trip to Ireland while they’re fresh in my mind, as I sit here enjoying the free wireless in the Shannon Airport departures area … * Do not on any account forget your travel clock or a watch. No room I stayed in had an actual
MeMeMe Luxury What is luxury? I begin to think it must be relative. I’m going to stop with the travelogue postings just for the moment and fast forward to something I’ve been mulling over this afternoon. It’s only in the last couple or three years where I have been
MeMeMe How slow? How slow? Originally uploaded by crgreene I love this! I was so glad I got to go back on foot and document. A lot of information is made available via the pavement. I saw one series, rather like the Burma Shave ads, ‘SLOW’ ‘SLOWER’ ‘VERY SLOW’ … but this takes the
MeMeMe the Tig Coili the tig coili Originally uploaded by Brian Douglas The guy who took this fancied up the color a bit, but it is bright red. You can see Taaffe’s there in the center right of the background.
MeMeMe Sláinte On Sunday afternoon, following my chat with the singular garbageman (doesn’t that sound like a Sherlock Holmes story? ‘The Case of the Singular Garbageman’), I walked along to the Cathedral and past there to the University of Galway, then back around towards the Old Spanish Arch, a relic of
MeMeMe Shelter Looking out from the High Court colonnade Originally uploaded by crgreene Picking up my story with Sunday, which would be the third day of my trip … Having slept much better on Saturday night than on Friday, I felt quite a bit more cheery on Sunday (not to say that I
MeMeMe High tide High tide Originally uploaded by crgreene So, picking up where I left off … Left Ennis fairly early on Saturday morning, and headed out towards the coast. The country was all cows and farms and stone walls, after a bit anyway – there seems to be quite a lot of new construction
MeMeMe Stay to your left Here I am at the truly lovely Westport Plaza hotel … which I actually categorized immediately as a ‘Peter & Conrad’ hotel (it’s a compliment, either way you take it)… which thoughtfully provides broadband. Ahh. I’ll be here until I depart to head back down to the Shannon airport,