spoilers - about them, not containing them

so, apparently, the entirety of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been posted online as photos – some sources I’ve seen mention Photobucket, others BitTorrent. it seems Scholastic (the publisher in the US) has obtained a subpoena to get the name of the person, and so on. some folks have reported to me that the scans are still available, on BitTorrent, anyway. a news article i read says there are multiple versions, with conflicting info…

why? why bother doing this? it’s just such bad sportsmanship, not to mention the violations of intellectual property, etc. etc. can you imagine how you’d feel if you were Jo (JK Rowling, yes i know, we are NOT friends so i should probably not call her Jo, but her ‘children’ occupy a major place in my internal life so i feel like we are on a first name basis …)? i guess you’d expect that sort of thing, but still, it’s too bad. i mean, it’s just a book – a mystery – so why go to all that trouble? when the point is to read the thing and find out? i never saw the 6th sense because someone inadvertently spoiled it for me, and after that, i figured, well … what’s the point!?

i guess i don’t really understand BitTorrent anyway – i have always felt rather uncomfortable about Napster, LimeWire, all those kinds of sites, though i did play around with LimeWire for a bit, i stopped and now i just fork over and download legally; or if someone burns me a CD i find i can’t live without, i’ve been known to buy a copy, just because it seems fair. what do you all think about this stuff? where do you draw the line?

anyway, i just thought i’d post quickly to say to my massive reading public (ha!) — please, don’t spoil me, about HP, or really anything. i don’t want to know. and if you are worried about being spoiled, best be careful about what you read the next few days …

good luck! it’s hard to be pure in this wild world. 🙂