Giving Thanks, For Reals

As promised, I continue my long weekend of thankfulness, today For Reals. There is so much to be thankful for – I think I might actually make this a weekly feature, just to keep myself in the right frame of mind.

So five things I am thankful for, taking this seriously. Please note the following are not necessarily in order of priority.

  1. My family and friends. Faithful, loyal, caring and fun. Special notice goes to my parents and sister, who really are my best friends and who have never failed to support, encourage and inspire me to …well, pretty much everything.
  2. All the nice things I have been blessed with: my apartment (lovely, and below market price); my car (which runs reliably, gets good mileage, fits four adults and NEVER frosts on the inside); hot showers; plenty of food; and the many other comforts of my life, which I fully realize not everyone in this world has.
  3. Living in a country where I am not afraid to speak what I think, believe, etc. Yes, we have some problems, folks, but it could be a lot worse.
  4. The mercy and loving-kindness of God. Why, you ask? It endures forever. It extends to the skies. It is new every morning; It fails not. What’s not to like about that?
  5. A job I enjoy, which has a clean, safe, pleasant working environment, compensates me well, and provides intellectual challenge. Also I have a supportive supervisor and excellent co-workers.

I hope everyone has a peaceful, restful day, and plenty to eat.