Well, folks, it’s an historic evening here in the cg household. No, not because I’m at home on a Saturday night; no, I didn’t cook anything special; and, unfortunately I didn’t win buckets of money or wake up to discover that eight pounds had magically melted away (but wouldn’t that be swell!).
This is the last night for the orange sofa.
I have a long history with the orange sofa: my friend Rachel bought it secondhand at a furniture store in Bloomington during graduate school (so I sat on it there too), and brought it up here to Chicago with her. When she got new furniture, she gave it to me. Dickson and his brother Mwai hauled it out of her house and up two flights of stairs into my Logan apartment, and that was pretty freaking awful; it is a for-reals Hide-A-Bed and weighs about a ton. So I’ve had it almost four years. Lots of my friends and family have slept on it; it’s logged a lot of hours in front of my TV. I now pass it along to Lil Bit; maybe she can take it to graduate school with her and it can be the sofa that travels the US. If you’re the praying sort, say a little prayer for us tomorrow at 2pm; Lil Bit’s b-f and a friend of his are going to be moving it out of here and, well, here’s hoping it all goes smoothly. I think I mentioned how heavy it is… yeah.
I ordered a new sofa today, Exhibit A:Yeah, it would be nice if there was a photo sort of in situ, but what can you do. It’s quite comfortable. Anyway, said sofa was a special order, and will have to be delivered … so I don’t know when it will be here, but you can expect a photographic update when it’s all set, especially because I will have essentially an entirely new living room at that point. We had a big swap-o-rama in the family, and I now am the possessor of a chair & ottoman from my parents’ house, along with their former TV (with surround sound! rock on!). I told you, it’s kind of an exciting day here.
I think I’m going to go spend some time with my old orange friend before I send it along tomorrow.